Who Can You Turn To?

by Chuck Adair on October 03, 2024

Who Can You Turn To?

Read Numbers 2:2
Today’s Truth

God created us to live in community. Community is more than showing up at church once a week and slipping out the back. Community is having people we can call in good times and bad times, in the middle of the day and the middle of the night. Community is not based on a public profile, but a personal connection.

In Numbers 2, the Lord told Moses and Aaron to have the Israelites organized into tribal camps or clans holding the banners of their family. Breaking the nation into smaller groups made travel easier, but it also created an opportunity for close community among God’s people.

Discussion Questions
  • Who can you count on, even in the hardest situations?
  • Who do you call when you want to celebrate good news?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how connected do you feel to others within the church? What can you do to improve that number?

We may not use the word “tribe" anymore, but the need for community is the same. The church is stronger organizationally when we are connected personally. When we’re under pressure in life, the support of friends within the church brings direction to our disarray.  As we grow closer to Jesus, we help others grow closer to Jesus, and the church grows stronger as a result.

Tags: numbers


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