GROW: We Make Disciples, Not Converts

GP Life

Chuck Adair & Jerry GonzalezJuly 17, 2021All Church, GP Life

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Passage: Matthew 28:18-20


In English, there are several verbs in the sentence of the great commission: Go, make disciples, baptize, teach. But in Greek, there’s only one: “make disciples.” All the other words that are translated as verbs are actually participles, which means they modify the verb. The verb is the central thing, the other things are extensions or applications of it.

Sermon Questions
  1. What is a disciple? Be specific.
  2. What is your role in the disciple-making process? Be specific.
  3. Who is the person that is your one-the person you are investing in, loving well, and encouraging in their faith? How are you doing these things in their life? If you don’t have a person, what are you doing to get a person?
  4. A disciple is not just a believer, he’s a belonger. How are you belonging at this point?
  5. My question is not, “Are you a Christian?” but “Are you a disciple?” Be honest. Right now, would you say “Yeah, I am a Christian, but not really a full disciple yet”?
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