Healing Love - Book of Malachi

Minor Prophets

Chuck AdairOctober 30, 2022All Church

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Passage: Malachi 1:1-4:6


Malachi’s book is the last thing God says to Israel for 400 years. After this, Israel enters a time historians call “the silent years,” where they received no word from God. The next time God speaks is when Jesus comes, so what Malachi says in this book is going to reverberate in Israel’s hearts for 400 years. This is what they are still thinking about it when Jesus shows up.

Sermon Questions
  1. What are your takeaways from this study of the minor prophets.
  2. How many of the charges that were applied to Israel applies to you? What does it look like in your life to be self-seeking and self-centered?
  3. Talk about tithing. Is it something you do regularly or not at all? Explain your answer.
  4. In your life, how have you demonstrated unfaithfulness?
  5. 400 years after Malachi closed his book, Jesus stepped onto the scene of history and picked up right where Malachi left off. His first message was, “Repent...” Mark 1:15. In what areas of your life do you need repentance?
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Sermons in Minor Prophets