A Little of this and a Little of That

1st Corinthians

Chuck AdairJuly 23, 2023All Church

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Passage: 1 Corinthians


This chapter is theological tapas. We’re going to get just a taste of a bunch of different subjects. It’s like 6 different mini-sermons. Paul is not so much teaching, per se, as is taking care of a few housekeeping items. And sometimes you can learn as much from someone by watching their life as you do from what they teach. Here, we get a glimpse into what’s going through Paul’s head, and there’s a lot we can learn from that.

Sermon Questions
  1. Answer these question… who should give to the church? Why should they give? When should they give? Where are they being called to give? Is giving as important to you as it is to Paul? Why or why not?
  2. Why is financial accountability important in business and in the church?
  3. Paul is an Apostle, and not even he is sure of what God is calling him to do. What is god calling you to do in this season?
  4. How does God use circumstances to sharpen and encourage you?
  5. Why are we so hard on the ones that are willing to tell us the truth even when it is hard?
Message Notes

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Sermons in 1st Corinthians