Pursuing Dust

1st Corinthians

Chuck AdairMay 28, 2023All Church

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Passage: 1 Corinthians


If you remember, Paul has been trying to help the Corinthians navigate a controversy in the early church about whether or not it was ok for a Christian to eat meat that had previously been offered to idols. Many of the new Christians, particularly the Jewish ones, felt like eating meat that had been blessed by an idol meant that (a) you were condoning the idol worship and (b) you were eating meat that had a lingering demonic curse on it. But others were like, “No, God’s power is stronger than any idol’s curse, and Jesus’ death cleansed all things for us anyway.”

Sermon Questions
  1. What are the modern day idols we find ourselves worshipping?
  2. Biblically, an idol is anything that takes the place of God in your life. What are the people or things that have taken the place of God in your life?
  3. Idolatry is not so much about what you bow your knees to; it’s what you lean your soul on. Who are the people or things that you have leaned your soul on?
  4. Idolizing your family; idolizing marriage; idolizing money, or the opinions of others opens yourself up to demonic control of your life. How do you escape those insidious idols?
  5. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. What does this passage have to do with breaking the control of certain idols in your life?
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Sermons in 1st Corinthians