Acts - The Storms of Life


    Chuck Adair & Jerry GonzalezMay 29, 2021All Church, Acts

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    Passage: Acts 27:9-44


    The apostle Paul is going to go through a real-life storm. This is a textbook chapter on what it looks like to lead through these storms. In fact, the apostle Paul, as a prisoner on the ship, is going to do so masterfully as he leads a moment. We would say he has no control, and yet he steps up as a leader.

    Sermon Questions
    1. What has the “storms of Life” looked like for you? How do you react when life is “stormy.”
    2. Why is important to remain steady when the storm shows up? What does remain steady mean to you?
    3. In life there are things you can't control and things you can control. Focus on the things you can control. Why is that truth so hard for all of us?
    4. When you are in a storm, who do you seek? What does it look like for you to seek God in the middle of one of life’s storms?
    5. Pray more in the storm. Seek God more in the storm. Seek community, his people more in the storm. Rely on the church in the storm. Move toward God's people in the storm. Resist the Enemy's temptation to isolate in the storm. You have to do what you know you need to do in the storm. Maintain the basics. Sometimes in life you need a nap. Sometimes you need a quiet time, a meal, a workout, a healthy routine. That's not sexy, but it's life-saving. Why is all of that so hard to do?
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    Sermons in Acts