Passion, Providence, and Peace: The True Story of Paul


Chuck Adair & Jerry GonzalezApril 25, 2021All Church, Acts

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Passage: Acts 23:12-24


God wants to interrupt your life, he wants to introduce you to Jesus, and he wants to say, "Do you want to be sent forth with me into the world to change it? I am with you, and there is no condemnation. I will reconcile you to me, and we will get it done, because I love this world. That's Paul's story. That's my story. If you're a believer, you don't go to church; you are the church.

Sermon Questions
  1. When you read the Bible, do you see the people there as people who are larger than life and doing what you can never do? Give a reason for your answer.
  2. Chuck and Jerry make this statement… God wants to interrupt your life, he wants to introduce you to Jesus, and he wants to say, "Do you want to be sent forth with me into the world to change it?” How do you respond to that question?
  3. If you try and pull your peace through money, through relationships, through temporary power…I don't care what it is…you will not have sustaining peace. What have you turned to other than the Lord to try and sustain your peace? How did that work for you? What does it look like for you to trust God with the daily circumstances of your life?
  4. Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth. Are you living by the truth in such a way that makes those who hate truth uncomfortable? Why or why not?
  5. If Paul, who was one of God’s choicest servants, went through such trials, then none of us are exempt. How do you react to that statement?
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Sermons in Acts