Passage: Nehemiah
We are called to build—strengthening our families, churches, and communities. But we must also battle—fighting against discouragement, opposition, and spiritual attacks. Just like Nehemiah’s people, we need a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other—the Word of God. Are you ready to build and battle for God’s kingdom?
Sermon Questions
- Why do you think Nehemiah took time to list the names and roles of the workers in rebuilding the wall? How does the cooperation of different groups (priests, rulers, merchants, families) reflect the importance of unity in God’s work?
- What lessons can we learn about serving together in the church from the way the people worked side by side in Nehemiah 3?
- Are there any areas in your life where God is calling you to “build” or serve, but you’ve been hesitant? Explain.
- How did Sanballat and Tobiah try to discourage the Israelites? How do their tactics resemble the way the enemy tries to discourage us today?
- Why did opposition increase as the work progressed? What does this teach us about spiritual resistance when we are doing God’s work? Nehemiah told the people, “Do not be afraid… Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome” (Nehemiah 4:14). How can remembering God’s greatness help us overcome fear?