Passage: John 4:1-42
Evangelism is talking to others about the gospel with an aim to persuade. We all have to remember, “We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” The word evangelism creates lots of emotions for people-some good and some bad. Some of you likely get excited about the idea of actively sharing your faith and perhaps think back on some really positive experiences that you’ve had with people. Yet, for others of you, you’ve only had negative experiences and the idea of actively sharing your faith elicits great fear and trepidation.
Sermon Questions
- When you think of the word evangelism, what comes to your mind?
- How does Jesus demonstrate boldness in his conversation with the Samaritan woman? How are you bold in having gospel conversations?
- Why is the sharing of the gospel such a relational moment? Do you ever intentionally build relationships with the desire to share the gospel? Why or why not?
- It was stated that faithful evangelism confronts sin. Why in your opinion is that so important?
- From what stream are you trying to drink? Do you drink of living water or are you trying to quench your thirst in other streams? Be honest about your response.