Our Hypocrisy and the Resurrection


Chuck Adair & Jerry GonzalezMarch 31, 2024All Church

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Passage: 1 Corinthians


Hypocrisy flourishes where there is a callusing to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When calluses form on our hearts and there is a lack of appreciation of what God has done in Christ, which leads to a lack of application, this is where hypocrisy flourishes.

Sermon Questions
  1. In your opinion, why do humans struggle with hypocrisy?
  2. The cross isn't the cake and the resurrection the icing. No, it's all cake and icing, and it's all the sweetest news that will satisfy for all of eternity. That's the centrality of the resurrection. Why is Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection so important?
  3. If the resurrection isn’t true, why would that be such bad news?
  4. The cross was Jesus' payment for our sin, and the resurrection was God the Father's acceptance of that payment. When Jesus on the cross exclaimed, it is finished. What was finished?
  5. What does it mean to walk in resurrection power?
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