Tears of Sovereign Mercy


Chuck AdairApril 10, 2022All Church

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Passage: Luke 19:28-44


Palm Sunday was a day of insight and a day of misunderstanding. The insight gave joy, and the misunderstanding brought about destruction – the murder of Jesus a few days later, and the destruction of Jerusalem 40 years later. And Jesus saw it all coming.

Sermon Questions
  1. What does Palm Sunday mean to you?
  2. In your own words describe how Jesus is both sovereign and merciful in your life.
  3. Where in scripture do you find Jesus being emotionally moved?
  4. Jesus was constantly denying himself to accomplish God’s mission. How are you denying yourself to accomplish God’s mission?
  5. Jesus’ grief was not hopeless? Are you grieving about something? How do you find hope in the midst of grief?
Message Notes

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Sermons in Easter