You Can’t Hurry Patience


Bryce NguynJune 30, 2024All Church

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Passage: James 5:7-11


In chapter 5, James explains that God aims to produce pearls in our lives, and for them to develop it’s going to take time, so he says, vs 7: Be patient, therefore, brothers…
Do you see the word ‘therefore’? “Therefore” connects everything James has said before with what he is about to say. Think about all James has talked about: he’s talked about suffering; our disappointments and frustrations with each other; our unanswered prayers, and our unfulfilled dreams--and he’s saying that in all these things, God is doing something good, but to experience the good we have to have PATIENCE.

Sermon Questions
  1. Is patience something you exhibit in your daily life? Why or why not?
  2. Patience. Patience. Patience. I hate patience. The Greek word for patience is “makrothumia,” and it literally means long-suffering (makro: long; thumia: suffering). Long- suffering. It just sounds nasty, doesn’t it? But patience, James says, is absolutely necessary if you’re going to experience anything of God’s goodness in your life. He aims to produce pearls, but pearls take patience. Do you believe that? explain.
  3. James uses another word in this passage as a synonym for patience: STEADFAST. Vs. 11: Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast.“Steadfast” is the Greek word hupomoneo, or “hyper-stand” (hupo- moneo). Think of it as “standing that won’t quit.” Do you consider yourself “steadfast?” Explain.
  4. According to James 5:7-8, How do we develop patience?
  5. When you’re in that season of LONG-suffering (and you might be there right now), how can you develop patience so that God can do his good work in you?
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Sermons in James