Passage: Luke 19:35-44
As he rode into town on the humble beast, Jesus was not oblivious to what was about to happen to him. His enemies were going to get the upper hand, and he would be rejected and crucified. And within a generation the city would be obliterated.
Sermon Questions
- When you think of Palm Sunday, what thoughts come to your mind?
- Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? What does Jesus weep over in your life?
- What mighty works are you praising God for in your life?
- The whole universe exists to praise Christ. If Jesus can call the rocks to praise him, how has he gotten praise from your heart which is at times rocky?
- The church in the Western world today does not seem to be weeping over the sins of the people. We do not seem to be troubled by blinded eyes. We are watching the decay of a civilization before us. A few years ago, when I was a child, we used to read about shoot-outs in Dodge City and today we read about them in the school buildings of our land. How is your heart broken over the things that break Christ’s heart?