Passage: 1 Samuel
The problem was not their request for a King, the problem was the motivation behind it; namely, that it came from a place of fear, not faith. They were not saying, “God, we trust you, and we’re asking for the King you promised, but only on your timetable and your choice.” No, they felt like they needed a King for 2 reasons: vs. 5, we want “to be like the other nations.” In verse 20 you get a second reason: “...that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.”
Sermon Questions
- How is a King like a computer virus? Hint: The answer is in the first 5 minutes of the sermon.
- Israel wanted to look like other nations. In what ways have you compared yourself to others seeking affirmation?
- How have you not trusted that God is enough?
- What things in your life have you wanted in addition to God? Did those things bring you long-term joy?
- What have you turned your heart to hoping it would bring your joy but instead you received heartache?