Passage: 2 Samuel
Understanding who our ancestors are helps us better understand who we are. I share that because Jesus’ most frequent title in the Gospels is “Son of David” --the Gospel writer Matthew uses this title for Jesus 10 times in his Gospel alone. The point being--to understand Jesus, you have to understand David, and this passage makes the Jesus-David connection clearer than any other.
Sermon Questions
- Why do we tend to be more concerned what we need to do for God rather than wanting to abide with him? Explain your answer.
- Hear this: At its core, Christianity is not about giving to God or doing things for God. Christianity is about what God has done for you. The heart of the gospel is not spelled ‘d-o,’ but ‘d-o-n-e.’ What is your reaction to that statement? Do you agree or disagree? Explain your response.
- God’s desire has always been to be united with his people--to be close to them, to walk with them. How does God walk with you?
- Billy Graham used to say that it’s not usually people’s sins that keeps them out of heaven; it’s their good works. God has abundant mercy even for the biggest sins; it’s people’s pride in their good works and their sense of personal worthiness that keep them from throwing themselves on that mercy. How do you respond to that statement?
- The center of Christianity is not going and doing something great for God; it is sitting in wonder at all he’s done for you. That’s why David starts this passage with a desire to go and do and it ends with a command for him to sit and know. How will you sit and listen to God this week?