Passage: Romans 7:1-25
Do you ever wonder, “If Jesus and his resurrection power really came inside of me, why do I still struggle so much with those same old temptations? Why don’t I love God more? Why is prayer so hard for me? Paul talks about his own struggle with this in Romans 7, and it’s one of the most encouraging chapters in the Bible.
Sermon Questions
- “If Jesus and his resurrection power really came inside of me, why do I still struggle so much with those same old temptations?”
- Paul kept the outward commands of the law pretty well. But, it was the command to not covet that let him know that his heart was never changed by the law. What are the “heart” issues in your life that have caused you to pause and think?
- What is your flesh? How does your flesh and your sinful desires derail your life?
- How do you deal with the war between flesh and spirit that is going on inside of you?
- How does God use your ongoing struggles to grow in your appreciation of grace?