Passage: Romans 1:1-17
Romans a book about the gospel. It is the clearest, most in-depth look at the gospel in all of Scripture. But, and here’s where people miss the boat--the book is written about the gospel for Christians.
Sermon Questions
- What does justification by faith mean?
- Who was Paul and why was he devoted to killing and arresting Christians?
- Religion makes you proud and self-centered. The gospel makes you humble and generous. How does the gospel make you humble and generous?
- Every religion in the world works off of this premise: I obey, therefore I am accepted. The gospel works off of the opposite…I am accepted, therefore I obey. What does that statement mean to you?
- Are you ashamed of the gospel, or are you eager to share, and willing to do whatever it takes to get the gospel to others? Explain your answer.