The Man, The Message, and The Mission


Chuck Adair & Jerry GonzalezOctober 2, 2021All Church

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Passage: Romans 1:1-17


Romans a book about the gospel. ​It is the clearest, most in-depth look at the gospel in all of Scripture. But, and ​here’s where people miss the boat​--the book is​ written about the gospel for Christians.

Sermon Questions
  1. What does justification by faith mean?
  2. Who was Paul and why was he devoted to killing and arresting Christians?
  3. Religion makes you proud and self-centered. The gospel makes you​ humble and generous​. How does the gospel make you humble and generous?
  4. Every religion in the world works off of this premise: ​I obey, therefore I am accepted. The gospel works off of the opposite…I am accepted, therefore I obey. What does that statement mean to you?
  5. Are you ashamed of the gospel,​ or are you eager to share, and willing to do whatever it takes to get the gospel to others? Explain your answer.
Message Notes

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Sermons in Romans


March 27, 2022
Wes Esquivel